Thursday, September 8, 2011

Searched Yard of Home Built 1896

I have a friend from high school that bought a little house that sits on 4 acres.  The original house was built in 1896.  I called him up last week and asked if he would mind if I came by and searched his yard with my metal detector.  He said I was welcome to come and give it a try.  I am not sure of everything that has changed since 1896.  I do know that a big cement slab was poured for the front porch and a large addition was added to the back corner.  My hope was that the front yard remained relatively unchanged.

After searching the front yard, I have to say a was more than a little disappointed in the finds.  I did not find one silver coin.  The oldest coin I found was a 1938 wheat penny, then a couple pennies from the 40's and one from the fifties.  I have to think that either the yard has been hunted, or that soil was added to the yard.  Maybe I will need to go back and try it again now that all the modern clad has been cleaned out.
 One piece that I had high hope for was part of a broach or necklace.  It thought it might be silver because part of the bust was showing through the dirt.  The red stone and white head feel like plastic.  The metal part is pot metal that looks like it had a gold coating.  I doubt it is very old because it was only about 3 inches deep.

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